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Events of 1943
Date Event
Feb 14, 1943 The United States encounters its first major defeat in the European theater of World War II at the Battle for Kasserine Pass in Tunisia.
Apr 13, 1943 The Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. is dedicated on the 200th anniversary of Thomas Jefferson's birth by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Jun 21, 1943 Race riots in Detroit and Harlem cause forty deaths and seven hundred injuries.
Jul 10, 1943 The United States Army's 45th Infantry Division lands on the island of Sicily, starting the campaign of Allied invasion into Ax-s-controlled Europe. Nine days later, Rome is bombed by Allied forces. The conquest of Sicily would be completed on August 17 when U.S. forces under General Patton and British forces under Field Marshall Montgomery arrive.
Nov 11, 1943 The Tehran Conference is held for three days, concluding in an agreement between U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Josef Stalin about a planned June 1944 invasion of Europe with the code name Operation Overlord.
Jan 14–23, 1943 Churchill and Roosevelt hold Casablanca Conference
, 1943 Mussolini deposed.
, 1943 President freezes prices, salaries, and wages to prevent inflation.
, 1943 Income tax withholding introduced.

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